Privacy Policy

The domain name and Website are owned by PHOTON EXPORT THIN FILMS & PATENTS SL

Company information:


Joan Gamper 8-10, Loc I, 08014 Barcelona Spain

WAFEREXPORT informs its privacy, electronic communications and personal information protection policy so that the Client may, of his own free will, provide WAFEREXPORT , on its force will, with the personal data that may be requested from him to gain access to the different contents and Services offered in the Website.

The Client is requested, for this purpose, to give his consent to the present privacy policy.

Failure to accept this privacy policy will imply that the Services and Website contents offered by WAFEREXPORT   shall not be made available and that the subscription process shall be interrupted.

Clients shall in all cases be liable for the truthfulness and/or ownership of the data furnished. Express instructions shall be given as to the necessary or optional nature of such data for subscription and the rendering of Services.

WAFEREXPORT assumes all the data provided by Clients are true and that their disclosure does not violate any applicable law, and reserves the right to prevent any Client who has submitted false data or data belonging to third parties from accessing the Website and/or Services.

Any information furnished, deposited or transmitted by the Client in the Website may be examined by WAFEREXPORT , including the contents of the Client’s messages, even if designated as “private” by the Client, for the purpose of safeguarding the security and adequate use of the website, as well as avoiding fraud, if any, when there are signs that this could be happening.

According to the rules and regulations currently governing the protection of personal data, WAFEREXPORT informs the Clients that the data provided by them will be filed under WAFEREXPORT ’s responsibility.

The Client may at any time exercise its rights to access, cancel, rectify or object to the personal data by writing to WAFEREXPORT .

The Clients, expressly accept that all data provided by them may be transferred to other Clients, for the rendering of the Services and in order to develop the business model promoted by the Website, in which the Clients freely participate.

Furthermore, the Client expressly allows its data to be transferred to third party countries, when such countries provide a level of protection equal to the above-mentioned law.

If in doubt about this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact WAFEREXPORT through its website or by e-mail to

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